Tuesday 30 June 2015


Today was all sweetness and light and we enjoyed a good walk out in the forest, though as afternoon gave way to evening the sky changed becoming angrier looking as clouds began to spill over the horizon; there must be a storm coming. Sure enough when the sun finally sunk, the clouds thickened, the sky darkened, Thor struck his hammer and in the distance lights flashed across a mottled backdrop. As twilight succumbed to night the storm drew closer and the space between thunder and lightning flash diminished until they were simultaneous, the storm was upon us and the night was illuminated by an electrical storm the like of which I can't remember. We ventured to the cliff top to join the others who always congregate at such moments, there we enjoyed the show, oohs and arrs accompanied every flash, and there were plenty of them, sometimes several at the same time.  Almost continuous lighting for over 10 minutes, I've never seen anything like it! Nature's great, scary, but great.


  1. Nice triptych - love the ominous, brooding malevolence of the oncoming storm and then the violent energy of the lightning. A portent of things to come I feel.

  2. Nice triptych - love the ominous, brooding malevolence of the oncoming storm and then the violent energy of the lightning. A portent of things to come I feel.
