Tuesday 16 June 2015

Drinker Moth caterpillar

Nature always was to trump even the most imaginative scifi, just look at this Drinker Moth (Euthrix potatoria) caterpillar looking like something from out of this world. Caterpillars, what's their game? You'd think caterpillars would keep their heads down, what with them being all squishy and vulnerable and some of them do, the 'you ain't seen me, right' types that look like twigs of leaves, but not all of them, some are like, 'ooh look at me' all colourful hairs, tufts and markings. I know evolution dictates that both parties must developed their looks with purpose, but what and why, and how and why as in the case of above caterpillar do they change from colourful examples of exuberant embellishment into beautiful, yet plain almost mono coloured moths/butterflies? Still, easily set to wonder as I am, for me every encounter with a caterpillar is akin to meeting an alien and has me gawping slack jawed.

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