Sunday 23 October 2022

Intermittent weather

Today the Sun rose clandestinely behind a blanket of damp grey cloud which dragged itself across the landscape, and we began our walk out on the open heathland where the grisliness of the morning was most apparent and most inescapable. Eventually though we entered the cover of woodland, which ironically was wetter than being out in the open as the canopy created larger droplets which continued to rain down on us even after the rain outside had desisted. It wasn't until we were 5 miles out making our way through North Oakely enclosure, with the day being no lighter or brighter than when we started out, as if the forest had over slept, that all of a sudden the clouds broke and stands were flooded with dazzling  radiant light. And on the head of a pin the morning had turned, and warm bright sunlight reigned. Until the afternoon that is, when loud cracks of thunder, flashes of lightning and torrential rain/hail brought flooding and a power outage.

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