Wednesday 17 February 2016

Deep grooves, man.

I was talking to a friend the other day about music, extolling the virtues of, and my love of, vinyl. He said to me, 'yeah, but you can only play them so many times as each time you play them you mine a tiny piece of the vinyl away'. I told him he should take the penny off his headshell, and we laughed. But, how true is that, do you think? And if it is true how many plays have you got? I ask because I've just listened to my copy of Here and Nows' ''All over the show'', the record was pressed in 1979, I bought it from Snu Peas records in 1984 and I've played it more times than I can remember (really I've played it loads) and it still sounds like it always has. And that's with me not being the most diligent of record collectors, yeah, it has some surface marks and some crackles (or as I like to say character), and the cover, well, my records used to be stored near floor level and we had cats, but still.  So, if my Here and Nows' ''All over the show'' is anything to go by, even if you do mine a piece of the vinyl every time you play it, it'll still last a bloody long time (said with fingers crossed). 

If you haven't listened to Here and Now, you don't know what you're missing. I'd recommend all their albums, and their cassette/bootleg recordings, and to see them live is a joy.  As an intro I'd suggest ''All over the show'' and ''Fantasy Shift''.

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