Saturday 20 February 2016

Day in the Muddips

The weather wizards were well off today. Cloudy they said, only a 20% chance of rain they said, a nice day for walking they said (well, they didn't say that really, it was me, still)... liars! Over the Mendip Hills the water hung in the air like a sodden grey blanket, not mizzle, not heavy rain, just perpetual wet. I'm being a bit dramatic really, there were short rainless intervals, but it was wet. The ground around Cheddar Gorge was so sodden it didn't matter. Poor souls wandered through the dank, clad in wet weather gear and looking heavy and forlorn, for the most part eyes fixed on the ground under their feet.  And with good cause, it was like an ice rink and I lost count of the number of walkers showing signs of being floored at some point. The Mendips had become the Muddips. We didn't walk for long and were soon on our way again, back towards Glastonbury, where we took advantage of one of the drier interval to climb the Tor.  Well, it would rude not to. The rain may have temporarily abated, but the winds had more than taken their place. A chill wind raked the Tor, and some people were in real danger of being blown over. That said, as always the Tor is well worth the climb, its views always breathtaking and magical, no matter. We sat and took in the sights and the clean air for some time before gingerly embarking on the decent. Off to continue our adventures, after all, we had a Magic Bus to catch.


  1. An excellent description, and the perfect photograph to accompany it too. I await your description of the gig with some considerable excitement and more than a little nervousness!

  2. Cheers, and no worries, man, what happens on the mission stays on the mission ;)
