Thursday 15 October 2015


Another mushroom doing well this season and which is commonly seen amongst the Beech stands at the moment is the Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius). The Chanterelle is a much sought after mushroom for its fine eating qualities, rich aromas and taste. So sources suggest they're 'the' best mushroom for flavour. Luckily they're quite easy to spot, usually growing in small groups they're a uniform egg yolk yellow colour and have distinctive ridge like wrinkles instead of gills. I mentioned the uniform egg yolk yellow colour as there is the False Chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca) which is commonly confused withe true Chanterelle.  False Chanterelles are a darker yellow orange colour, with the colour becoming darker towards the center; they have a more uniform and rounded cap edge when young and the gills underneath, although looking similar to the true Chanterelles wrinkles, are gills. The false one wont do for you, but will give a gippy stomach. On a wild fooder tip, Chanterelles are also good driers, which is always a bonus with a mushroom.

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