Thursday 6 November 2014

Parsol mushroom

I've seen a lot of Parasol Mushrooms (Macrolepiota procera) out and about this season, both in the woods and out in the open places. Starting with a ball shaped cap, the Parasol soon opens to explain its name, opening into a large round plate shaped cap with a raised brown center with brown scales emanating from it.  The gills are white and loose, the stem thin, often hollow, with almost snake skin markings. A very recognizable mushroom and if you find one, often you'll find more close by.  Best picked when freshly opened just prior to becoming totally flat as they can deteriorate quickly. Cook them whole flat in a pan, use as with other mushrooms or a nice recipe I remember was to quarter, batter and deep fry them.

Parasol Mushrooms can be confused with the Shaggy Parasol (Chlorophyllum rhacodes) notably though, the flesh and gills of the Shaggy Parasol will tinge red when cut or bruised. You may see the Shaggy Parasol listed as edible, although other sources state that it will cause stomach upsets or even serious illness; in such cases of conflicting listing I always err on the side of caution.

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