Wednesday 16 December 2020

Thinning Wilverely

Forestry work has continued throughout Wilverely's mosaic woodland. Some blocks of mosaic have been clear harvested, others thinned, whilst others having only their younger coniferous members taken, their cut and graded trunks line the forestry tracks. It's dramatically changed the woodlands appearance, opening up stands and revealing long hidden vistas. Some blocks will be replanted, after all the coniferous stock is merely cash crop. In the thinned out blocks the remaining bigger coniferous trees will have space grow to their full potential and in a few years the floor beneath them will be thick with self seeded offspring. Other blocks where the remaining trees are deciduous ones will no doubt be left to develop as open woodland. I have a coniferous mosaic block which I'm particularly fond of in Wilverely, it's matrix feels perfectly balanced between tall maturing trees and a dense under-story in various stages of growth. It's quite the magical space, hidden away in it's cool shade the dense juvenile conifers muffling the outside world you're immersed in a green world, perfect to sit a while and take some time with the forests coniferous community.  So far it's been spared the woodman's axe.


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