Sunday 13 December 2020

Brandy and Tilly

I found this graffiti etched into a Beech on Dames Slough Hill interesting, Brandy and Tilly. Both are old carvings, although Brandy appears to be the elder by some years, her letters have stretched as the tree's grown. I wondered what they represented? Adjacent as they are I'm assuming they're connected, as there's ample smooth canvas to be had elsewhere around the trunk. I thought at first it could be mother and daughter, but then Brandy the more recent name being popular from the 60's though falling in popularity by 2000, and Tilly (or Matilda) being popular at least from the 1800's and falling from grace by 1960, with a reassurance around the millennia. So that didn't fit. The best I could come up with was that they represent animal names, horses maybe? That could work. Still, Brandy must be 60 years old maybe more, and Tilly got to be 30/40 years old maybe more; horses usually live around 25/30 years, so as I say,  it could work. It's all presumption mind. They could have no connection at all, Brandy being a random piece, and Tilly just a coincidence, the proximity the product of an ordered mind. I don't think so though.

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