Monday 16 March 2020

Perfect isolation

I really needed our walk this morning. I really needed to escape the growing pressure of our developing reality if only momentarily. And what better place to blow away my cobweb of worries than the Chase with it's wind swept hills, peaceful pockets of woodland and tree line trackways. I'd spent far too long on the internet yesterday, saturated in the Covid crisis, worrying about it's potential and fuming at the failure of our government to deliver anything close to cogent advice in the face of the looming storm. If I'm honest I was overwhelmed and had a bit of a meltdown. My wife's one of those on the most vulnerable list, with several co-morbidities and immuno-compromised, her risk is so high. I'm hearing all sorts of initiatives and strategies to support OAP's, and that's good, man, as half arsed as those plans are, I want everybody to be cared for through this crisis. But as a carer in the situation we're in, there appears no battle plan for people like us, it feels as if we, and thousands like us are being left out of the equation. Too complicated, maybe. We're being left to fend for ourselves, with no real credible advice. That's one thing for me, I'm a sort of survivalist come prepper mentalist, I roll with a degree of contingency already baked in, but for others it must be truly terrifying and isolating, as, man, I’m relatively terrified. Don't be taken in, and I'm sure you're not, our government (and if you're in the States, your Government) is failing huge swathes of society, not just people in our situation, their whole strategy lacks nuance, it lacks....., it just lacks. Excuse me going on, this is somewhat of a cathartic exercise. Anyway, I found myself a spot beneath a tree and settled in. It didn't take long for the world of, and sounds of, man to dissolve, replaced by the sounds of nature, early insects, unseen rustling and eager birds creating the soundtrack to my meditation. I took three breaths, sky above, earth below and waters flowing around, you know the routine, I chanted the Awen... as it resonated through and around me, the weight lifted and I found calm descending. I could remained in that calm for who knows how long, like the embrace of a lover, I didn't want to emerge from it....I found myself in perfect isolation, safe in natures and my Goddesses embrace...and all the better for it. Wonderful.

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