Tuesday 13 November 2018

Thoughtful destruction

As I walked past a group of World War 2 bomb craters in Anderwood enclosure this morning, I thought about the men flying the bomber. I wondered if they gone out of their way to drop their load well away from habitation out here in the woods. It would have been far safer for them to lose their bombs as soon as possible. So they must have purposely waited to be beyond conurbation. Which is cool. And, why hadn't they dropped their load on target, were they purposely trying not to kill people. You read stories of soldiers who've gone through a war without killing anyone. Or....was there a target out here in the woods? I don't think so, not that there wasn't plenty of military activity in the forest during the war, but I think these represent a bomber dropping their load before turning for home rather than an attack. There are a few groups of craters in the forest (beyond those of the Ashley Ranges), and they're invariably in groups of two or four, and none appear to fit an attack.  I sometimes think I really do over think too much.

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