Thursday 14 September 2017

Cauliflower power

The Cauliflower fungus (Sparassis crispa) is a distinctive fungus looking just as its name implies like a cauliflower.  It's an interesting specimen, growing on the same spot over several years, although not always every year. It favours pine, and is found on stumps or at the base of trunks. It's edible and wont me misidentified easily, though a bugger to clean, and its season is now until November.  Like many other fungi it may have more to it than a food source, research suggests it contains immune stimulating/boosting properties and may be effective against tumours.  For a long time I've believed that there's a cure for many of our ills out there in nature, the question is will we find them in time, and more pertinently, how many have we already destroyed. 

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