Sunday 20 March 2022

Cranborne Chase

It was destination Cranborne Chase this morning, an early start too, and it was glorious; a 14.7 mile traverse of the Ebble Valley in the best early spring has to offer; we were out early enough that we didn't see another soul until nearly halfway through our walk, and no more than a handful throughout our journey. I value all the seasons and their varied aspects, though for me the it has to be spring and autumn that I most enjoy and connect with; the energy of spring is particularly tangible, and visible in every corner of the landscape. Following ancient droves, tracks and paths we wound our way down through, across, and up the other side of the beautiful Ebble Valley. By the time we reached Chiselbury Camp Iron Age Hillfort on the Old Shaftesbury Drove the sun 's warmth had wrestled victory from the early morning chill, and it felt as if all nature rejoiced; I certainly did. Sat on Chiselbury camp's defencive bank we had clear views across the lovely Nadder Valley, Salisbury in one direction Shaftesbury in the other. Above us in a clear blue sky half a dozen birds of prey circled gracefully as they eyed breakfast, most striking though was the Skylark song which filled the air above the camp and surrounding grass downland. We could've sat here all day, it was a perfect English rural scene; though we weren't finished, and it was back down to Broad Chalke and a welcome dip in and drink from the Ebble for Geoff, then the long climb back up to the Ridgeway and journey's end. All achieved before midday; nice. 

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