Tuesday 13 January 2015

Losing battle

Where the cliffs are backed with exclusive housing at Barton, civil engineering has been employed to try and halt the lands seaward shift. A fools errand on geology as unstable as this. You can't better nature, she's in it for the long game. As is attested to by the solid failure of the engineers enterprises. The instability and weather disruption associated with climate change will only serve to exasperate the situation. I did notice that over some areas of, what is wide scale slippage, quick growing trees like willow were establishing themselves in good numbers. It could be that left to flourish these young trees could do more for stabilizing the cliffs than all the clever plans of man have. It wouldn't halt the slippages, though would negate them to a degree and return the cliffs to a more natural state. Mother often knows best.

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