Sunday 5 December 2021

Studland sunrise

Bastard weather wizards! It'll be sunny they predicted, then, it'll be sunny with a scattering of clouds, and throughout they claimed less than 5% chance of rain. So after our recent visit to Studland I resolved to return this morning to catch the sunrise and take a walk; what with it going to be such a good day. I mumbled curses as just before dawn, having risen ridiculously early to get here, we wandered up the coast towards the wall of grey cloud which hugged the horizon, through cold raking winds and mizzle...bastard weather wizards! To be fair, it must be increasingly hard to accurately predict weather as our climate deteriorates, and, they did suggest cloud and rain, even if it was only 5%, and, if I was honest I protested too much as I didn't really care, just being here was good enough. That said, the morning predicted would've been preferable. Anyway. The beach was ours, not another soul in sight as we made our way along the shore. Then, as is often the way, nature rewards your endeavours and the sun rose through a break in the clouds, bathing the beach in the most wonderful light. As Geoff explored, I stood and marvelled at nature's glory, lost in the moment I was taken by a mild euphoria at the beauty of everything; my photos really don't do the light justice. Facing the sun I took three breathes and chanted the Awen; I love that fleeting heightened clarity you experience after chanting. The moment was perfect.  I declared that if this was the best the day could offer and the rest of the day returned to grey, I'd gratefully take that. The sun shone it's golden light for 10 minutes or so before again disappearing beyond the grey veil which by now was obscuring virtually any hint of blue; and it was indeed the best, sunniest, moment the day offered...and I continued to be grateful for it. We did 13.8 miles today too; Shell Bay, Studland Beach, inland at North Beach, across Godlingston Heath to Rempstone, up onto Nine Barrow Down, before descending again to retrace our route back to Shell Bay. On the way back I thought a guy approaching me along the beach was wearing a pink tracksuit or similar, until he got closer and I realised he was a cooked lobster coloured naturist; that's dedication to your path, man. Great day.

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