Wednesday 26 October 2016


Injection Vol 2 continues, as with Vol 1, to be a real page turner. If you're not aware of the premise, 5 geniuses in their fields: a strategist/agent,  a scientist/genuine genius, a logician/ethicist, a AI expert and a cunning-man (wizard), are brought together by a government/corporate group (Ministry of Time and Measurement and Force Projection International) to form the Cultural Cross Contamination Unit. The  government and their corporate friends are worried that the 21th century was entering a period of stagnation, our five geniuses are tasked with finding a solution, to make the 21st century more interesting and thus stimulate development, their solution.......the injection. Yup, you've got it, it goes terribly wrong. You can't go injecting magic and stuff into computers, messing with reality, you must know how that's going to go. 

In this volume we focus on Vivek Headland (and his reluctant though resigned assistant and heavy 'Red') as he investigates an abduction, a missing ghost lover who exists in a photo and a lonely messed up rich guy, there's human ham and weirdness of plenty, all courtesy of the injection. It's essentially a detective story, though a strange and bizarre one. We also get to peek into how and what the other geniuses are up to. I loved it. Warren is such a fantastic writer, so engaging and his dialogue carries the story along beautifully; Shalvey's art is wonderfully expressive and conveys emotions perfectly; whilst Bellaire's colouring brings the scenes and characters to life. 

I think you could enjoy this read as a stand alone, having not read Injection volume one, just as a detective story. Then again, maybe not, I don't know. Shit! Get them both, you wont be disappointed.

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