Monday 14 March 2016

Grovely Wood

As I previously mentioned Grovely Wood is one of the, if not the, largest woodlands in southern Wiltshire. Like so many expansive woodlands, it's a mosaic of coniferous plantation, deciduous plantation, ancient woodland and neglected and managed coppice woodland. The more modern coniferous parts are what they are. But the ancient areas are fantastic. I only had a small opportunity to explore these areas though, as I'd entered from the west, whereas most of the deciduous and ancient sections are to the center and east, and by the time I got to there I was on the clock to start my return. Although in my brief exploration of the older woodland and mature avenue trees, I did come across an interesting piece of American graffiti. Is this connected with the military features? It appears to be the right age. 

I think of this as a reccon mission, exploration of Grovely will take a while.

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