Saturday 18 October 2014

Flat Oak

Almost invisible amongst the cluttered jumble of other trees of various types and ages, this mighty old Oak rests in secluded solitude. Although located in a triangle of woodland created by two converging forest paths, you could, oh so easily, pass by without noticing it, never knowing it was even there. I feel blessed to have met with him, and other, woodland leviathans and I put that down to not feeling obligated to confine myself to the designated forest paths and tracks. It's those smaller animal tracks or less walked paths, which lead into the real forest, the unseen forest and into unexpected meeting with the woodland inhabitants, be they flora or fauna. The Flat Oak is just that, a wide, flat on two sides, ancient Oak, which must be at least 600 years old and will have witnessed, and maybe wondered, at the many comings and goings of human kind over those years. A great tree.

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