Friday 23 September 2011

Happy equinox

Although never still, for a moment equipoise as the wheel turns through Mabon, light and dark in equilibrium; soon night will conquer day and the land will begin her sleep.
The old Sun now returns to the Goddess, both to rest, the fruits of their labours gathered and stored; they have worked their magic to great effect, due gratitude is given for natures bounties.The harvest moon shines from high, while below nature prepares for dormancy; leafs begin to curl and fall, a chill wind stalks the fields and stands, hibernation is at hand.
Celebrate your successes and give thanks, now reflect and rest, lay the plans of new campaigns; the wheel is turning.


  1. Grateful Dead - The Wheel

    The wheel is turning and you cant slow down,
    You cant let go and you cant hold on,
    You cant go back and you cant stand still,
    If the thunder dont get you then the lightning will.

    Wont you try just a little bit harder,
    Couldnt you try just a little bit more?
    Wont you try just a little bit harder,
    Couldnt you try just a little bit more?
    Round, round robin run round, got to get back to where you belong,
    Little bit harder, just a little bit more,
    A little bit further than you gone before.

    The wheel is turning and you cant slow down,
    You cant let go and you cant hold on,
    You cant go back and you cant stand still,
    If the thunder dont get you then the lightning will.

    Small wheel turn by the fire and rod,
    Big wheel turn by the grace of god,
    Every time that wheel turn round,
    Bound to cover just a little more ground.
    The wheel is turning and you cant slow down,
    You cant let go and you cant hold on,
    You cant go back and you cant stand still,
    If the thunder dont get you then the lightning will.

    Wont you try just a little bit harder,
    Couldnt you try just a little bit more?
    Wont you try just a little bit harder,
    Couldnt you try just a little bit more?
