Saturday 8 January 2011


The Sun made a welcome, although brief and weak, return to the forest today; low in a predominantly blue sky it warmed and illuminated the the land. Ponies, recently to be found sheltering amongst shrub and shade, again graze in the open, absorbing any heat they can whilst it's on offer. The Suns presence doesn't alter the ground or walking, the ground remains spongy and yielding, the brooks and streams continue to flow with vigor. Highland Water, below Ocknell Arch, flows through a diverse mix of tree species including some mature Oaks and Beech; there are many fantastic examples of ancient trees, amongst which are several outstanding ancient trees of well over 300 years.

We usually walk the less trodden path, we see few others and more often none, today, as obscure as our course was, we found today it frequently corresponded with a orienteering route; the route was well off any beaten track, still, there's enough wild wood for all of us.

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