Wednesday, 27 November 2024

The 902

All the graffiti you find has a story to it, rarely though is it revealled to us. If you're lucky there may be clues which could hint to their possible origins. Take this boxed 902 on a beech in the Ocknell enclosure, what could its story be? Ocknell is on the edge of Stoney Cross plain, the site of one of the forests major World War Two airfeilds. So. Could there be a connection between the airfeild and 902? Possibly. The site was used by the USAAF 9th Air force and 387th bomber group, and there are other examples of Second World War American grafitti in the enclosure. The 902 could refer to the 902 Military Police Company (Aviation), a guard squadron which would have been present where the USAAF were stationed.  I reckon it's as good a thesis as any.

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