Monday 7 February 2011


Is graffiti archaeology? Archaeology is the study of our pasts, our societies and cultures, explored through the analysis of our material culture and cultural landscapes. If we find rock art, cave paintings or an inscription on the base of a Samian ware vessel, we marvel, imagining the motivations and lives of those who left the mark; yet we frequently pass graffiti carved trees without register or care. These more recent inscriptions nevertheless have a story to tell.


  1. I'll extend the debate a little further if I may: a Banksy is (rightfully IMHO) regarded as a work of art, but what about all the failed graffiti artists and taggers out there, whose work is generally regarded as vandalism?

  2. There is a difference between graffiti and tagging, it represents different cultural groups; there is overlap of course but the motivation is very different as is the meaning. Both though, represent an element of the human experience and therefore are archaeology.
