Monday 1 July 2024

Custard Flux - Einsteinium Delirium

My initial reaction on hearing Custard Fluxs' - Einsteinium Delirium was 'f*ck me, he's done it again'; granted a crude initial review, but accurate as he has. Chicagos' musical sorcerer supreme and all round renaissance man Gregory Curvey returns with 'Einsteinium Delirium' his fifth serving of Custard Flux, and as you'd expect it's aurally delicious. An artist not content to sit on his laurels, Curvey's dialling the whole Custard Flux project up another notch, 10 having long disappeared in the rear view mirror. There's definitely a different energy to 'Einsteinium Delirium', as Curvey says 'it's no holds barred electric', and isn't it, man. Ten stand out, original and distinct, beautifully composed and crafted, and perfectly performed prog/psyche/pop tracks delivered with meticulous attention to detail by musicians of high standing, all round as tight as a gnats chuff. Instantly engaging short punchy numbers that really reach out and grab you from an album that flows with ease and is an absolute joy to listen to. There's no time wasters here, Einsteinium Delirium starts strong with 'Peace and Love' and continues in that vein right up to the fading notes of 'Fat Man'. Mediocrity isn't in Curveys' vocabulary, this is the good shit. Curvey's a unique talent, a lover of complex melodies with a distinct composing, guitar and vocal style which lend themselves to an instantly recognizable sound; a sound here augmented, complimented and enhanced by the addition of Vito Greco on guitar and Portuguese guitar; Timothy Prettyman on bass guitar; Nick Pruett on drums and percussion; and Andy Thompson on mellotron. An ensemble of pure class and distinction. Custard Flux albums are always lyrically interesting as well as musically so, and on Einsteinium Delirium Curvey explores the theme of the atomic bomb, apposite for our times with the renewed threat of nuclear oblivion being mooted. It's not a heavy listen though, far from it. Richly embellished with solid rhythms, glorious riffs, soaring guitars and some marvellous mellotron, it's an absolutely smashing album. Only one complaint, instrumental track 'Transmutation', a sumptuous soaring cinematic soundscape just wasn't long enough, beyond that I salute you sirs. Another resounding Custard Flux success. Check it out here
Custard Flux are doing a handful of UK gigs July 28th, Kozfest, Devon; August 1st, Half Moon, London; August 2nd, Visual Radio Arts, (not sure if that's a gig or a studio performance) and August 3rd, 20th Dream Fest, Cardigan. If you can go and you don't you'll regret it, this is a rare opportunity indeed.

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