Thursday 27 June 2024


Once a plant known to all, and a particular favourite of children, I'd be surprised if many could identify this common countryside plant today. Pignut (Conopodium majus) is dainty umbel, a member of the Celery family which has an edible tuber. It's not simple to collect the tuber though. The 'pignut' is always off at a 90 degree angle from the stem, and only very lightly attached, so easily lost. Once you've caught one and removed its' papery skin you've a tuber that looks, and to a degree tastes, a bit like a hazelnut. Commonly you'll find them in woodland, fields and meadows, and they're a sign that the ground has been left undisturbed for a good time. We're towards the end of their season now. Of course don't collect or consume anything if you're not a 110%, as could be confused with the bulbs of other spring flowers.

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