Monday 1 May 2023

Up on the hill

There wasn't too much of a sunrise this morning; and the faint sunrise there was had a distant view of Mordor look to it. That didn't matter mind, a fancy sunrise would have been nice, though it was simply being up on the Tor marking Beltane sunrise for the first time since 2019, that was the prize. I've been seeing in the Beltane Sun on Glastonbury Tor for over 30 years, and after an abstinence, it felt wonderful to be celebrating the turning of the wheel of the year up on the hill amongst the gathered; 'up on the hill is where you find us, yeah, up on the hill that shit is timeless', Fun Loving Criminals. The setting, the familiar sounds of the Morris, familiar faces in the crowd, and the familiar words communally spoken in May Day rite, it certainly felt timeless to me. Beltane blessings y'all /|\ What ever seeds you're now sowing, more power to your elbow.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good sunrise, was thinking of you and the Tor. Hope you're both well xxx
