Tuesday 4 April 2023

Avebury henge

Through the 90's and 00's we'd be regular visitors to Avebury Henge and it's environs, either for the regular Gorsedds which accompanied the turning of the wheel of the year, or simply to take in the majesty and splendour of it all; it's a landscape which fed my archaeological imagination, and continues to do so as new research brings the depth and complexity of this prehistoric monument and it's surroundings to  light. That said, what with one thing and another this was the first time we'd visited for well over a decade, and we'd picked a perfect day for our visit too, beautiful weather and very few other visitors. The best part though was being here with an old friend which allowed the memories to flow, as we both reminded each other of myriad people and event, and there were some good times and some very memorable characters; an opportunity to rifle through a treasure trove of moments. As for the henge itself, as always, a magnificent site that never fails to inspire awe and wonder; in my opinion Avebury surpasses Stonehenge on every level.

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