Monday 17 June 2019

June's Moon

I said the common was a magical place, and it is, although it's also a very eerie strange place too, and I understand that's a commonly held feeling by people who've walk here. I walk a lot and only a handful of places fill me with the uncomfortable feelings that the common can. It often has an subtle air of foreboding about it, hidden away in the background, just out of sight. There's the feeling of eyes always upon you, and the frequent need to look behind you is overwhelming, unlike anywhere I've ever been. Most people who know the common would say the same.  Weird, it's ostensibly a lovely tract of common land, that's well trodden and much loved, though there's always something that stimulates your alertness, often taking you to the edge of flight or fight it can manifest so intensely. So with that in mind, you can imagine what the common feels like at night, yup, it's a proper scary place. That's where I went tonight to take another poor full moon photo, and it was proper scary. June's full Moon.

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