Wednesday 27 May 2015

Black Bom Baim, You're smiling now but we'll all turn into demons, Melt Dunes @ the Fat Fox.

This evening, on the suggestion of a good friend, for he's in the know in such things, I joined him and another friend and ventured East to Southsea to see three bands: Black Bom Baim, You're smiling now but we'll all turn into demons and Melt Dunes; all were performing at the Fat Fox, what appears to be a fine and friendly venue of the type much needed here locally. We arrived in plenty of time, so passed the pre gig time by quaffing a couple of beers, talking shit and enjoying the ambiance until the first band came on.

First up were, Melt Dunes: fronted by a chap sporting a cardigan and foppish hair, respect to that, and a guitarist who if he doesn't straighten up soon is going to develop an awful stoop; this young local band had a pleasing rocky droney sound, which they all bashed out brilliantly with gusto; they've plenty of potential for development too; one to look out for in the future, most enjoyable.

Next up were, You're smiling now but we'll all turn into demons: bloody long name, but I'll forgive them as played some mighty fine rock music; you know, the sound reminded me of good quality 70's British rock brought into the 21st century; a deep sound full of substance, which filled the room; always a good thing. For the first number the guitarist and drummer swapped places, which was novel, both were no doubt competent on both instruments, although when returned to their respective main instruments their real talents, of which they both had in ample measure, shone; the drummer particularly rocked, so much energy, really quite an exceptional drummer; not that the other band member weren't half bad either. Bloody good stuff and another great band I'll be keeping an eye out for.

Ah, finally, the piece de la resistance, Black Bom Baim, all the way from sunny Portugal: I'd heard some Black Bom Baim before and liked what I'd heard, so I was excited at the prospect of seeing them live and hearing more. I wasn't to be disappointed; their sound was so clean, man, and so clear, each instrument was beautifully separated, no muddiness at all and when blended together what you got was a stream of fast flowing psychedelic rock grooviness; from three really great and very competent musicians; lovely stuff. Not being too familiar with them, it appeared to me to be one long jam and a bloody marvelous one at that. If I had one complaint it would be that their set went too quickly for my liking, it seemed like only 15 minutes; I could've happily listened to a lot more. Bearing in mind there were so few people in attendance, which was a bit weird what with such talent playing at so little cost, I thought all the bands played as if they were playing to a full house; good show and kudos to them all.

All in all a top night of fine music spent in good company; nice.

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