Wednesday 15 April 2015

Wrack and ruin

We've passed this way regularly for over thirty years on countless walks along the coast and never until today had I noticed this building tucked away into the hillside. How could that be? It is set back from the track, nestled amongst a small stand of trees and shrubs; but still.  As I looked about in wonder taking in the sights and sounds of the day I thought I saw something and so took a few steps back, yeah, it looked like a chimney top or something, no I thought; but, being an inquisitive type I scrambled up through the undergrowth and to my surprise found a building going to wrack and ruin. It's a strange building with a striking facade, built, in part, right into the hillside, with one of the rear rooms having nature rock for walls; it appears to have been constructed ad-hoc, made out of a wide mixture of materials: concrete, dressed stone, brick, wood, all with a corrugated iron and wooden roof, which in part has collapsed, although most of the building remains water tight. A strange place for sure. Out buildings are cobbled on, built into and extending up the hillside too, on terraces; there's the remains of a planned garden, now hard to distinguish and well overgrown. It must have been a lovely spot at one time, a holiday home or something maybe. As I say, I've not noticed it in over 30 years, and surely would have if it had been occupied during that time; nor did I remember seeing it on the map, I checked on my return and no, it's not shown on the map. Another mystery.

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