Saturday 3 November 2012

Fox Hunt

Our walk was marred some, by the appearance of the hunt. Walking  in the Alderhill enclosure, a  beautiful large winter coated Fox ran along Latchmore Brook, followed shortly by a pack of baying hounds, followed by 2 hunt riders, riding 100m parallel on a track. Now, although hunting is not banned, hunting for Fox is.  I stopped a redcoat to tell him his hounds were chasing a Fox; first he ignored me, then thanked me, then told me they were hunting within the law and he couldn't comment on what I'd seen as he was behind the field.  Or in other words, don't care, we'll do as we want.  Other hunt riders appeared and one backed their horse into me so I could no longer talk to the redcoat. Poor behaviour at best, aggressive at worst.  Continuing our walk we passed some hunt supporters, who were rude and confrontational without any reason.  The hunt was obviously operating outside of its legal obligations and their supporters do them no credit either.  Shame on them.

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