Saturday 9 January 2010

Whiteness of the tundra

The wind blows sharply across this temperate tundra, away from the winter sun it bites deeply into your face and even penetrates the multiple layers of fabric amour, adorned as defence against the elements. To a higher or lesser degree, the snow lingers on throughout the countryside; the woods being the strongholds. Waiting for re-enforcements in the wooded glades, shaded from the gently warming sun that glows in the clear blue sky, the snow continues to keep its frigid hold on the forest. High on Stoney cross plain the wind blows the powdery snow across the path of the old runway; snaking and twisting as if alive, the snow devils travel through the land; on arrival at their chosen destination, they simply disappear, as if a mirage. The remains of the main WW2 runway, now a road, is bright white, centimetres deep in compacted ice and smooth as glass. Adjacent to the end of the old runway is Cadmans pool, usually frequented by drinking ponies and bathing fowl, is now thickly covered in strong ice 70mm or more deep.

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